Memory of the Camps@Frontline, PBS

1945年に連合軍が撮影(編集にはヒッチコックも参加)したものの完成せず、長い間ロンドンの戦争博物館に眠っていたフィルムをPBSが再編集し、1985年に放送された。ドイツのDachau, Buchenwald, Belsen収容所が登場する。

Memory of the Camps
05.07.1985 (60 min)
Forty years ago, Allied troops invaded Germany and liberated Nazi death camps. They found unspeakable horrors which still haunt the world's conscience. Frontline presents the world broadcast of a 1945 film made by British and American film crews who were with the troops liberating the camps. The film was directed in part by Alfred Hitchcock and is broadcast for the first time in its entirety on Frontline.
